Wednesday, 22 February 2012

This is Carello Auto Operations

Quotations & Assessing the Damage
Once a vehicle is quoted on, assessed and authorized by the relevant insurance company, parts are ordered and once they arrive, vehicles are then moved into the workshop.

At this primary stage, damaged panels are removed and the vehicle is
prepared for the panel beating work to follow.  

Panel Beating             
Panel beating is undertaken by a highly skilled and qualified team using both local and imported equipment including:
                                                 *            1 x car-o-liner chassis straightener
                                                *             1 x cellete sevenne chassis straightener
                                                 *            1 x rotary lift
                                                *             1 x 4 post lift
                                                *             3 x 2 post lifts
                                                *             1 x car-o-liner speed bench
                                                *             1 x korak pulling system
                                                *             1 x techna spot welder
                                                *             1 x fan spot welder
                                                *             1 x car bench “marlin” speed bench
                                                *             1 x aluminium welder    
Paint Shop
The vehicle body is now prepared for painting and passes through three phases:
                                                 *            Priming
                                                *             Flatting
                                                *             Masking
Equipment includes 8 x dry flatting vacuum systems with infrared lighting for efficient curing of primer. 

Spray Painting and Baking
Specialized personnel electronically mix top quality Spies Hecker paint, which is meticulously matched to each individual vehicle.   Vehicles are then baked in one of two air-tight, dust free baking booths.

Assembly It is now time for all repaired panels and parts to be carefully re-fitted to the vehicle. 
Specialists in this area of production ensure attention to every detail as the vehicle repair
process comes to end.

Auto Electrical, Mechanical & Final Adjustment (mech)                   The vehicle is then checked for any remaining mechanical work, which may be required to be completed, as well as auto electrical checks for airbags.
Final adjustments are then made to bring all the work to completion and the vehicle is then ready for polishing.        
Polishing and Wash BayHigh speed, hand held polishing machines are used to ensure that the full vehicle is given a professional polish to ensure a showroom shine before the vehicle is washed and dried.                                                                                                                                                                                    
Quality Control & Delivery                                                          
Though the vehicle passes through various quality check points throughout the process, a dedicated quality controller will put the vehicle through a final check at this time, before the customer is contacted for delivery.